When you think of healthy eating and balanced diet, you must think about certified organic healthiest cooking oils and vegan butters. At Ostro Organics we press all oils fresh for you - any questions regarding our culinary oils & vegan butters - let us know!
It’s not surprising to see a large number of people suffering from common health problems due to unhealthy cooking and eating. Ostro Organics Inc. is here to help you eat healthy using extra cold-pressed, fresh, unrefined, raw and uncommon oils of certified organic quality. Login to Order Now
[show_more more="Read More" less="Show Less" color="#a1c0c2"]Extra cold pressing refers to oils obtained through pressing seeds with a modern steel press. Our range of extra cold-pressed, healthiest cooking oils retain their flavor, aroma, and nutritional value, which makes them great for cooking, dressings, smoothies, beverages, etc.
These oils are not just considered good for cooking but among the best oils for salad. They contain zero grams of trans fatty acids and are naturally cholesterol-free. Here’s how premium culinary oils contribute to your overall good health.
At Ostro Organics, we are committed to helping you live healthy by offering safe and natural edibles that are quality certified.
Our broad selection of cold-pressed organic oils and vegan butter are always fresh as these are extracted weekly using only pure, raw organic ingredients, and a low-pressure, cold press technology to retain raw unrefined flavors and beneficial nutrients.